Thursday 4 December 2014

It's A Media Jungle Out There

Oh boy...I've actually done it...I've started a blog. Well it had to happen sooner or later I guess...I make music...videos...a radio now to add to that...Written Ramblings ;)

Anyway I'll make this brief because it is, after all just an introduction, a setting out of the battle plan if you will. So what's my objective? Well hey I'm not reinventing the wheel, I'm just gonna grease those media wheels that I like the look of and help them on their merry way.

It could be music, film, tv, help videos, review videos...who knows I watch a varied assortment of media just like you I imagine...I just think it's nice to push the good stuff around...of course whats good is subjective but hey if I like it...someone else somewhere is gonna like it too..

So watch this space

And to end a little shout out  to Terry Friedman who suggested and encouraged me to start the blog in the first place


Oh and in the meantime check out my videos below...more to come...and SUBSCRIBE me if you like...many thanks


  1. Marc, your videos are very interesting and cool!!!

    1. Hey Vanessa that's awesome thanks...I'll be posting many more ;)
